Application programming interfaces (APIs) are essential for getting two or more digital machines to talk to one another, so they’ve become a critical part of nearly any technological process that uses an app. You may not speak code, but if you want to use text-to-speech (TTS) software to create videos and other types of compelling content, you might need to know how these handy building blocks work.
In this “APIs explained for dummies” article, we’ll break this topic down into their simplest terms by comparing them to everyone’s favorite childhood toy: Legos! We’ll explain the different types of APIs that are out there and how you can use them for your application. Then, we’ll show you why they matter for the TTS world and how they connect to LOVO.
What Is an API?
APIs serve as a gateway between machines, facilitating the exchange of information between them. The first machine is the client — which requests information from the server. The second machine is the server, which dispenses information upon request from the client.
So, how are they like Legos? Just as Legos consist of pegs and notches that can be interlinked to build something bigger, APIs are the software components by which two otherwise separate devices connect to a broader system.
Types of APIs
There are many different types that developers can use to link their servers and client requests. Each has its own level of security and performance characteristics.
Some of the main API types are:
- Private APIs, which are often used only internally for specific business functions
- Partner APIs, which are made public, but only with other business partners or clients
- Public APIs, which are open-source for use by third-party developers and available to external users
Some are defined according to their availability or release policies, whereas others are defined by their use cases.
APIs are often categorized according to the type of machine they link with the app, such as:
- Database APIs, which enable communication between apps and databases
- Operating system (OS) APIs, which specify how apps may use the data contained within an OS
- Remote APIs, which define how information will be shared between apps on different machines when connected across a network
- Web APIs, which transfer data and functionalities between machines across the web in machine-readable format — this is the most common type of API
Still, other API types are defined according to how they deliver information. Without diving too far into the details, some examples are:
- Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) APIs, which transmit data in the form of XML files
- Remote Procedure Call (RPC) APIs, which perform a function on the server and receive a corresponding output
- WebSocket APIs, which send data as a JSON object to and from the server and client, enabling communication between the two
- Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs, which employ statelessness to transmit raw data with no user interface via the HTTP protocol
By now, you might feel dizzied by all of the different types that are out there, as you do with the different types of Legos on the shelves at your favorite childhood store. Still, just like Legos, each API type has a unique functionality and is part of something much bigger.
How Do APIs Work?
APIs consist of three main components, and understanding these components will help you see how they work:
- Endpoints, where a call for data is sent and received. This could be a server, a device, an app, or any other machine
- Requests, where software programs submit a call for data to the server. This can occur automatically or by the user performing an action through an app’s user interface, like clicking a button
- Responses, where the server creates an output based on the request and submits it to the client
Put all of the pieces together, and APIs are a bridge of communication between clients requesting certain types of data and the servers used to dispense that data — much like the kind that you build with Legos.
Why APIs Matter for Developers and Businesses
So, what’s the connection between APIs and your business? APIs have many different uses in today’s business applications and provide many benefits, including:
- Smoother integration: APIs can be written in multiple programming languages, and they can easily be added to your existing application or product. Like Legos, once you attach them to your current infrastructure components, you can add more functionalities from there — without starting your code over from scratch.
- Faster innovation: An API gateway lets you link your current product to other system components without tearing down and rebuilding the codebase each time. That way, you can get down to innovating without reinventing the wheel.
- Greater data collection: APIs enable your customers and business partners to access your company’s data. Examples include inputting contact information or financial data.
APIs can also serve as another revenue stream for your company. Many organizations sell them as a way to provide access to their data or offer a free basic API access platform that users can pay to upgrade. Simple, interoperable, scalable — they are a critical component of any development process.
Why APIs Are Like Building With Legos
When you build a large Lego model, you have to build up and across. Developing with APIs works the same way, as they can be used internally to unify your current tech stack and help your team members and business partners work across channels or to build new software with additional functionalities.
In either case, their interconnectivity makes it easy both to link up with your business partners and customers and to scale your software, making them the building blocks of the development world.
What Does This Have to Do With the Voiceover and Text-to-Speech Industry?
APIs let you easily link your content creation process to text-to-speech applications like LOVO. No more scouring through different websites to find the right voiceover and navigating back and forth between it and your internal development environment (IDE) — text-to-speech tools such as LOVO’s Genny come with their own so that you can add your voice capabilities from a single space. The result is more efficient content creation, faster innovation, and ultimately more revenue.
Click here to install our API and get started today!