The Timeline Editor is a powerful tool to help you edit your audio and video elements together into one piece of content. Use this tool to handle the timing of videos, voiceovers, music, and sound effects with millisecond control.
Using the Timeline Editor is invaluable when you have multiple elements that need to be timed perfectly together. In this tutorial, we will go over the features from the basic editing functions to the more advanced pinning and snap functions.
Let’s get started!
Basics: The Timeline Block
Every time you generate a voice block, you will see it appear as a block in the Timeline Editor.
You can move these individual blocks along the timeline by selecting a block and dragging it to wherever you would like. If you need to select multiple blocks at once, you can use cmd+select on Mac or ctrl+select on Windows.
If you move these blocks around to create a different order, the voice blocks will also change order.
(Note: You can only change the order of your voice blocks using the Timeline Editor.)

Individual Block Control – Volume, Delete, Feedback
For each individual block, you can adjust the volume, delete it from the timeline (including your project), and send feedback to our support team if you are facing issues.
Simply right-click on the block you want to edit and select what you would like to do.

The snap feature makes sure that blocks line up perfectly with each other to avoid unnecessary gaps or overlap.
By default, this feature is always on, but let’s take a look at how it works.
If you have not been using the pin function and have been moving blocks around, this handy feature will ensure everything is perfectly aligned.

1. Moving blocks next to each other
As you move blocks closer to each other (either towards the end or start of a block), you will notice that a dotted red line will appear. This red dotted line indicates that if you release the block, it will “snap” to the next block.
2. Lining up different media together
If you have multiple media tracks like voiceovers, video, and music, the Snap feature is very useful to make sure things line up perfectly.
Once again, simply drag to move the blocks (or to adjust the length of the audio, image, or video) to line up with your desired block, e.g., a voiceover block, and when it is close to being aligned, a red dotted line will appear. Just simply release the block by taking your finger off the mouse, and it will snap into place.
To create small intentional overlapping or spaces between blocks, you can turn off the Snap feature by clicking on the magnet icon located at the top left of the Timeline Editor.
You are still free to overlap and move blocks apart while this feature is on so long as it is outside of the range of when the red dotted line appears.
Advanced: Split element✂️
To cut audio or a video block, you can use the split element tool to divide the blocks into several little blocks or to cut out sections of the blocks you don’t want.
To use the split element tool, first, select an audio or video block you want to edit.
Then, drag the yellow timeline bar to where you wish to cut the block. Next, simply click on the “Split element” icon next to the “Snap Tool” to cut in that exact location.

| Reminder: The Split element is only available for audio and video blocks; does not work for voice blocks.