An effective ad is one that truly resonates with its target audience. And the voice plays a key role in lifting the overall impact of the ad.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could easily create and use lifelike, engaging voices that perfectly match your brand’s tone and personality across all your ads? Well, it’s now possible with text-to-speech AI voice generators.

A woman filming an ad with a camera on a tripod

The Benefits of Using AI Voice Generators for Commercial Purposes

But you might be wondering why you should even bother using AI voices in the first place, right? Well, here are a few compelling benefits of using AI voices:

  • Cost-effective: Traditionally, you have to work with commercial voice actors and agencies to create voiceovers for your ads. This process is expensive. On the other hand, by using speech generators like LOVO, you can get multiple AI voices of your choice at a fraction of the cost.
  • Time-saving: Booking recording studios and voice actors while arranging the entire process is time-consuming. With AI-generated voices, you can get exactly what you want in just minutes. 
  • Consistency: Consistency in your brand’s voice matters. However, it’s hard to achieve that by working with multiple voiceover actors and agencies. With AI voice generators, you use one consistent brand voice across all your ads. Moreover, it will be a realistic voice that sounds exactly like human speech.
  • Flexibility: Want to make a last-minute change to your ad copy? No problem. Just digitally update your voiceover and reapply it.
  • Multilingual: Do you want to target a global audience? AI voice generators with sophisticated speech technology enable you to generate the same voice in hundreds of languages and accents.

How to Plan Your AI Voice Ad Campaign

So, you’re now convinced of the benefits of using AI voices for ads. But how do you practically implement them across your marketing campaigns? Here are the key steps to follow.

1. Define Your Objectives and Target Audience

The objective of your ad campaign and the type of audience you’re targeting will determine the suitability of the AI voice. The AI voice you use for sales-oriented marketing videos might differ from the one you want to use for educational videos to increase brand awareness. So think about:

  • What do you want to achieve with your ad campaign? 
  • Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or generate leads? 
  • Whom are you trying to reach with your ads? 
  • What are their interests, behaviors, and pain points?

2. Craft a Message That Resonates

A cookie-cutter approach of plastering a generic message across your ads won’t cut it. Your ad copy should be clear, concise, and highly focused on the key message you want to convey. If the ad is about a particular product or service, then highlight how it solves your audience’s pain points.

If the message is unclear or boring, it’ll fail to hook the audience in. Moreover, bad messaging might completely rub the audience the wrong way and create a false brand image. 

3. Select the Right AI Voice

It’s not just about the message you convey but also how you convey it. The style and tone of voice matter, and they play a great role in determining the success or failure of your ads.

For example, if you’re targeting a Gen Z audience, a more laid-back voice might resonate. However, a formal tone is better suited to a software product for a corporate audience.

LOVO offers hundreds of custom voices. Even better, the voice-cloning feature allows you to generate a completely new AI voice that suits your brand image. 

4. Create Engaging Ad Content With AI Voices

It’s finally time to bring your ad copy to life with an AI voice. When creating your ad content, consider the following best practices:

  • Keep it concise: Always keep your ads concise and stick to the key points. Today’s audience has an extremely short attention span. If your ad can’t hook the audience in the first few seconds, that audience will likely move on to something else.
  • Use a conversational tone: Even if the ad is for a corporate audience, always try to make it conversational and relatable. Make it feel as if you created it specifically for the audience that’s listening to it.
  • Highlight the benefits: Don’t just blandly list features. Instead, highlight the benefits of your products or services.
  • Include a call to action (CTA): Finally, an ad without a clear CTA is ineffective in driving results. So end your ad with a clear CTA, whether it’s to visit your website or sign up for a free trial.

5. Test and Refine Your AI Voice Ads

Sometimes, even after you take all the right steps, you can’t know for sure what type of result you might get until you test it out. So generate a few iterations of your AI voice ads and see which versions perform best. Here are a few key metrics to test:

  • Engagement rate: One of the most important factors is whether the audience engages as expected. Are people listening to your entire ad or skipping it? A high engagement rate means your ad has struck the right chord with the audience. A poor engagement rate means you must refine it further.
  • Conversion rate: Check if the audience is taking the action that you intended with your ad. It could be clicking on the “buy now” button or visiting your website. A high conversion rate means that your ad is effective in driving results.

These are just a few examples of metrics you should track. You can test a number of other metrics to track the effectiveness of your ads. 

Based on the results, you can refine your ads to optimize their performance. Try testing different AI voices, ad copy, and CTAs to see what resonates best with your target audience.

Embrace AI Voices for Ads Today

The audio advertising landscape has evolved along with the world’s changing tastes and choices. Today’s audiences don’t want something that feels generic and mass-produced. They expect a personal touch in every aspect of your products or services. Using AI voices for your ads helps you achieve that sense of customization and personal touch with every ad you produce.

So don’t get left behind by the competition. Use LOVO, one of the best AI voice generators available, to create AI voices for ads at scale and take your brand to the next level. 

Sign up for free today and enjoy 14 days of our pro account, which includes all our voices and a full suite of AI-powered tools and features.

A woman with long brown hair sitting at laptop smiling