There are two common feelings when recording your own voiceover: “Yeah, I can do that, no problem,” and “That seems daunting and complicated.” Sometimes, those feelings come in quick succession as you dive into a recording session and face a couple of issues. 

Recording your own voiceovers gives you complete control over your content, so today, we will look at some great tips to help you overcome any issues, build confidence, and guarantee great, professional-sounding results.

5 Voiceover Tips For The Best Results

Find A Good Microphone

A common mistake people make is thinking that their phone or wireless headphones is enough to get a high-quality voiceover. While some of these devices can give you good results, many will leave you with a tinny sound.

On the other hand, many believe you have to spend hundreds (or even thousands!) on a great microphone to compete with other voiceover work. In reality, you can comfortably operate in the middle.

You’ll often see people gravitate towards industry-standard microphones like the Shure SM7B, which retails for around $400. That’s a lot of money to put in right out of the gate, so consider an alternative such as the Rode PodMic, which can give equally excellent quality but for a much lower price at $99. 

Try looking through budget microphone reviews on YouTube to hear different microphones in action and choose one with the sound you like most.

Know How Your Microphone Works

Every microphone works a little bit differently. They come in different types, such as condenser and dynamic microphones. You’ll usually be working with a dynamic microphone for voiceover work because they can handle quick differences in volume and have better background noise rejection. 

Even within the dynamic microphone family, there are directional and omnidirectional microphones that work slightly differently. 

Directional mics are more focused and require you to speak directly into the microphone, lining up with the capsule’s line of sight. These are a fantastic pick for voiceover work as they do a great job rejecting ambient noise. 

Omnidirectional mics pick up more sound from their surroundings and don’t require you to be in any particular position to record your voice. These are great for group situations where more than one person will be speaking. However, they will pick up more ambient noise.

Record In A Quiet Space

It should go without saying that you should be recording your voiceovers in a quiet room free from distractions. No-one needs to hear your neighbor playing Taylor Swift at full volume in their yard as you’re trying to record. Don’t assume the microphone isn’t picking up external noise. Listen back to be certain. Don’t be afraid to stop your take and start again if unwanted noise starts up.

Use A Pop Filter

A pop filter will help eliminate plosives from your recording. Plosives are the sudden pop sound you hear with P’s, T’s, B’s and so on. They can cause problems with your recording and can really distract your listeners if left unchecked.

Many vocal mics like the SM7B and PodMic we mentioned earlier will have a built-in pop filter, as will many podcasting and USB microphones. If your microphone doesn’t have a built-in pop filter, you can buy an inexpensive one to put in front of your mic to improve recording quality. You can even make a DIY pop filter out of everyday materials!

6 Voiceover Performance Tips

Now you’re ready to go with your microphone of choice, it’s time to focus on getting the best out of your performance.

Record Multiple Takes

You want your voiceover to grab your audience and keep them engaged. That means eliminating any ums and ahs, or moments where you fumble your words. Don’t just assume your first take will be good enough. Keep the focus on clarity and quality, even if it means recording more takes than you planned. 

Watch Your Posture

This sounds strange, but listeners can tell if you’re a little too relaxed. Try recording a take when you’re slouched over, then record a take with good posture. You’ll instantly notice the difference as you go from sounding like you’re going through the motions to a passionate, confident take that keeps your listener hooked.

Keep A Drink Handy

There’s little worse than a dry mouth during recording. It’s incredibly distracting while you’re trying to record, and it won’t sound good for your listeners either. Sips of water or juice between takes can mean the difference between a great take and one for the cutting room floor.

Warm Up Your Voice

Voice warm-ups help instill confidence into your voice, allowing you to record a much more engaging take and will help you get into the voiceover mindset. Try some tongue twisters, stretching your neck and shoulders, and practicing your script before you hit record. 

Don’t Be Afraid To Act

There’s nothing listeners hate more than someone who sounds like they’re reading directly from a script. Don’t be afraid to put on a little show for your listeners to create a more dynamic and exciting voiceover.

Make Changes To Your Script As You Go

You want your entire voiceover to be as engaging as possible. If your original script has moments that feel a little flat, go back to your script and make changes to elevate the section.

Watch Your Pacing

Getting your pacing right really can make or break your voiceover. There’s a Goldilocks area for voiceover pacing you should be aiming for.

Speak too quickly and your listeners won’t take in what you’re saying. Speak too slowly and they may get bored. Try playing your voiceover back and listen closely to the pacing. If it sounds too rushed or it drags on, try another take. 

Make Voiceovers Easy With Genny

Now, we know that sometimes recording a voiceover can be more effort than it’s worth, especially if you’re facing time constraints. That’s where Genny by LOVO AI can help.

Genny can create hyper-realistic voiceovers in just a few clicks, with over 600 voices to choose from. You can control the tone with customizable emphasis, pronunciation, and more to create an AI voiceover without that horrible robotic feel. Plus you can expand your reach with easy translation into over 100 different languages! 

Try Genny for FREE today.